Allocating Service Assignments with Artologik HelpDesk

HelpDesk CD package

Swedish water company Topas Vatten have found a novel use for our trouble ticket system Artologik HelpDesk.

Topas Vatten provides products and services for sewage plants and have among their customers both nonprofit organizations, businesses and local governments. When a customer has purchased a service agreement for the sewage plant, Topas Vatten uses Artologik HelpDesk to allocate their staff to the different sewage plants.


The services they provide can be regular maintenance, new installations or time spent on call. The service controller creates a new ticket in HelpDesk for each assignment and delegates it to the service technician that is responsible for each respective geographical area.


Topas Vatten have also decided to use the HD-TIME plug-in together with our time management software Artologik TIME. This lets them follow up on the effective time spends per service technician per assignment. It also gives them statistical data on different assignment types, sewage plants, customers and geographical areas.



Read more about Artologik HelpDesk and the HelpDesk plug-ins.


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